Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Summertime is officially here and we have some fun things planned!

1. Soccer for Liam
2. VBS for Audrey
3. Superhero class for Liam
4. Trips to Chelan
5. Darrington Bluegrass Festival
6. Dobbs Family Retreat
7. Patrick's 20th Class Reunion
8. Visit lots of parks
9. Trip to the zoo
10. Concerts in the park

We also have some fun new school things we are doing. We are doing daily Thankful Journals. Each day the kids will write and draw one thing that are thankful for. (I'm going to do it with them - thought it would be a good exercise for me too!) We will continue to do our Brain Quest cards - the kids think they are very fun! We have some fun Summer Bridge workbooks to just keep practicing the things we've learned over the year. And I've created a new job chart that I think will work great (easy for me to keep up with - fun for the kids to see their progress). We are focusing on two key elements of our jobs this summer - Doing it right the FIRST time and Working with a HAPPY heart. Building character and cleaning the house at the same time!! We continue to check out the Families of the World DVD's. The kids just LOVE them! And we will be doing tons of reading and earning prizes through the Summer Reading Program at the B'ham Library.

Busy, fun, productive. Sounds good to me!

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