Thursday, December 3, 2009

coffee woes

My dear husband enjoys coffee. A lot. A couple of months ago he bought a french press and has used it daily ever since. And loves it! I found out last night (thanks Jen!) that coffee that is not filtered can raise your cholesterol. What?? I came home and checked it out online and sure enough - it can raise it by as much as 10%. Oh my goodness. How did we not know this?? I passed on the devastating news and broke my hubby's heart. But he took it well. And got out the good old Krups coffee pot. From now on the french press will be an occasional treat - not an every day indulgence.

Today I'm thankful for a husband who takes good care of himself and his heart so he can be around for a LONG time.


Jen said...

sorry Patrick :(

Courtney said...

Yeah, well, I like there. =)