I am in the midst of an internal battle.
On one side is FEAR. I am full of fear regarding the health of my children. In spite of very limited TV viewing or radio listening and no newspaper - I am bombarded with information about the various flu bugs that are in our midst. I am getting conflicting information about the reliability of the vaccines available. And because I have a child with a history of respiratory issues, it is particularly frightening to me. This fear consumes a great deal of my thought life and is affecting my ability to sleep. And it makes me want to keep my kids at home for the next six straight months.
On the other side is PEACE. I serve the God who controls the universe. I believe He is in complete control of everything that touches my family. I believe that nothing will happen to us that is outside His will for us. His "good, pleasing, and perfect will." I know that He loves my children even more than I do. And I know that when I ask for it, he will give me wisdom in how to best care for them.
I am doing a Bible study of "Daniel" right now by Beth Moore. And as always, it has been divinely timed for this season in my life. This week we learned that Daniel had to RESOLVE that the culture he was living in would not affect his integrity. And it occurred to me this morning that I too must resolve that fear is not going to rule in my life.
So that is my challenge. Having peace in this scary world. Trusting that 'God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do'. And practicing this resolve every single day. No matter what.